
After watching Susan Scott deliver a powerful keynote presentation at a Leadership Conference in Seattle, senior executives from Washington Dental Service (WDS) decided “Fierce Conversations” might work well for their needs. Their goal was to build a more trusting, open, and honest organizational culture.


As in most organizations, candor was a primary concern. Employees from all levels of the organization had slipped into the habit of playing it safe rather than addressing pertinent issues with courage and authenticity. Sometimes conversations were one sided; participants were reluctant to offer differing perspectives or withheld conflicting ideas. Other times conversations that needed to take place weren’t taking place at all or were taking place at the wrong times.




Fierce partnered with WDS to tailor a program to meet their needs. Because time was an issue and leaders wanted to use both “Fierce Conversations” (2-day) and “Fierce Accountability” (1-day), the client development experts at Fierce worked with WDS to condense the two sessions into three 4-hour modules.


To kick off the training for all employees, Susan Scott led a keynote presentation. Employees in Seattle attended in person. Those located in different cities attended via video conferencing. The event introduced the principles, demonstrated leadership support, and ensured everyone was on the same page.


 What Changed

Relationships at WDS are getting stronger every day. “The biggest change I’ve seen has been improved morale,” said Jim Dwyer, President and CEO at Washington Dental Service. “And people have a higher comfort level when giving feedback and communicating in challenging situations.”


Larry Marino has noticed open, honest conversations taking place at the right times. “The thought process has changed,” said Marino. “People are using the coaching model and mining for clarity on a day-to-day basis, instead of waiting for performance evaluations.” Regular connections are building accountability and autonomy. “People are happier and more engaged because they are being included in conversations and being heard.”


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